Friday, April 3, 2009

Why I Blog

4 months ago I was weak, sick all of the time, lost, discouraged and living in a seamlessly never ending blurry mess of a life. I am a happily married wife of 4 1/2 years, a mommy to a terrific 3 1/2 year old and employed full time. I was diagnosed with Crohns Disease 8 years ago. I also suffer with migraines, asthma, allergies, and am often sick as my immune system is severely compromised due to the Crohns.

In December of 2008 I was introduced to the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD) and made a commitment to try it for one month. It is 4 months later and I have made this a life commitment as I am convinced that it has made a change in my health, in my life, and in my family's life.
I had tried a Gluten Free diet previous to the SCD diet and found that it did not eliminate enough things to be effective. I found myself still weak and discouraged. I gave up on this diet after 3 months.

I had blood tests done, that most insurances do not cover as they are considered experimental. These tests revealed intolerances that I have to particular foods, in addition to the common foods to avoid in the SCD diet.

I never thought that I would jump on the bandwagon and become a "blogger", but I want to be able to help at least one person that may be going through something similar. I know how devastating it can be to deal with medical conditions while trying to be a good wife, an energetic mommy, and to always seem to fall short.

Along with working at becoming healthy, we are on a very restrictive budget as we have our own business and have limited income. Due to my illness I have missed a lot of work and have only been bringing in the equivalent of a part time income, if that for over a year now. I am having to purchase foods that are not as easily acquired as some, and can be more pricey than most foods at the corner grocery store. I am cooking every day and if you know me, this is almost impossible to fathom...Jenn cooking!

I want to share my experiences with you, learn from you, and hope to encourage you in this journey to affordable health for you and your family. I refuse to go on the fetus-harming "drugs" and IV treatments that are recommended and encouraged by GI doctors for Crohns/Colitis patients. This is why I am choosing a lifestyle change that involves diet. This will have no negative side effects, and it is not only helping my gut, but the other issues I have dealt can only make me healthier, while "drugs" will deal with the one problem and have many side effects.

By blogging I intend to hold myself accountable to making this a lifestyle change, doing so under a budget and not doing so just for myself, but for my husband, my son, and for you. Read More......

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